Barn Yard Age 2-3

This room is in the ground floor of the building. The outside play area is directly outside the room.

This session is made up of children who are accessing day-care and children who are accessing their 2 year old funding.

The room holds 40 children on a 1:5 ratio.

The 2 year old funding care is provided in sessions and is split over 2 halves of the week.

The children can access their funding on session times of Monday & Tuesday 8.50am- 3pm and Wednesday 8.50am- 11.30am or Wednesday 12.20pm-3pm, Thursday and Friday 8.50am- 3pm.

The 2 year old funding sessions only runs in School Term Time.

The children who access 2 year old funding require a lunch box for their sessions.

The children enjoy exploring the planned environment creating their own learning along with adult planned activities.

The room has spaces created for the children to have quiet times or sleep if required

Barn Owls Age 3-5

This room is in the upstairs of the building. The room has access to the large outdoor garden.

The room holds 40 children per session on a 1:8 ratio.

The care is sessional and is split over 2 halves of the week. This session is for children accessing their Early Education Entitlement funding.

The children can access their funding on session times of Monday & Tuesday 8.35am- 2.50pm and Wednesday 8.35am- 11.05am or Wednesday 12.20pm-2.50pm, Thursday and Friday 8.35am- 2.50pm.

This session only runs in School Term Time.

The children will require a lunch box for their session.

Baby Nest - Age 6 Weeks - 2 Years

Our Baby room is situated on the first floor of the building. The outside area has an area of soft play.

We currently take 12 babies per session with a staff ratio of 1:3. The children within the room can be as young as 6 weeks going up to 2 years.

We follow the routines of our babies, who eat, sleep and play according to their own individual requirements.

The room is laid out with lots of age appropriate toys, treasure baskets and activities providing a safe and loving child friendly environment.

Daily diaries are written up for each baby during the day. Each baby has their own key carer allocated enabling a close bond between them to be built. This provides re-assurance, security and stability during their time in nursery.

HayBarn - Age 3-5

Situated on the ground floor of the building, the room has free flow access to the large garden area.

The room holds 40 children this is made up of children accessing day care with Early Education Entitlement funding and Children just accessing the funding. The funding is only available in school term time. 

Children eligible for 30 hours a week have funding Monday to Friday 8.45am-2.45pm. Additional hours are available at an hourly fee.

The children are encouraged to explore and access the resources independently within both the indoor and outdoor provision.

Each individual child is planned for through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum creating valuable learning opportunities.

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